The setting is the large continent Vainqueur, which has been turned into a desert. The music from the DS version will of course appear, as well as five new tracks, including the opening theme “Rakka Ryuusui” performed by Haruka Shimotsuki Yoko Shimomura, who handled the music in the DS version, returns for the 3DS remake. It features the opening theme song “Rakka Ryuusui” performed by Haruka Shimotsuki. The opening animation is being handled by A-1 Productions, which is known for works such as Sword Art Online. Opening Animation: A-1 Pictures (previous works include: Sword Art Online, etc.).Character Design: Masaki Hirooka (previous works include: Final Fantasy Legends: Crystal of Space-Time, Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, etc.).Music: Yoko Shimomura (previous works include: Radiant Historia, Kingdom Hearts series, Final Fantasy XV, Legend of Mana, etc.).

Director: Mitsuru Hirata (previous works include: director of Radiant Historia, chief director of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, director support on Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, etc.).